10 June, 2009

It's getting close

Today is the day I've been waiting for. The day my husband finishes work. But I'm really too tired to be celebrating. Perhaps it is all getting on top of me or possibly we've just had one too many celebrations. Last night we attended the staff-board final dinner of the year event. Today I'm definitely feeling like it is the morning after the night before, even though I was in bed by 10 (though not asleep). It is another "must be getting old" day. We're not feeling too stressed about the fact that we're leaving the country in 15 days. Packing has been moving along at a reasonable pace and we have lined up quite a bit of childcare help during the next few days. I have this feeling that we'll be practically camping in our house by Sunday afternoon. Probably a good thing, though, as we have to dash off to a four day conference on Monday. Once we come back there will only be seven days left. No holding back then. Meantime, I have to get through today. Very soon get to take my 10 y.o. to play at a friend's house (good move - the younger two are generally calmer when he is not around). Lunch time my husband gets home. The tricky thing is at 3pm. Our 6 y.o. has a kindy reunion (yeah, 3 months after finishing!). Problem is that he doesn't really want to look back. His eyes are firmly on the future and the new friends he'll be making in Australia. He doesn't want to go and I'm beginning to believe that I don't want to go without him and make all the explanations (in Japanese). I might call a friend and make my apologies and ask her to pick up the remaining photos we've ordered of the various March celebrations. So, I'm hoping the coffee and paracetamol I've just had will kick into action soon.


Anonymous said...

14 days! Woohoo!

Anonymous said...
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