01 June, 2014

It's what Jesus wants that matters

Here's a rare guest appearance by my husband. He wrote something I thought worth passing on to you on his Facebook page today, in response to this post on John Piper's blog (by Jon Bloom).

I love this paragraph by Jon: 
David working with some students.

If we choose the Pearl [ed: that is Jesus], we hear in Judas’s objection the world’s appraisal of us. They watch as we pour our valuable time, intellects, money, youth, financial futures, and vocations out on Jesus’s feet. They watch them puddle in the bowls of churches, mission fields, orphanages, and homes where children are raised and careers are lost. And what they see is foolish waste. Expect their rebuke, not their respect.
Unfortunately we hear this not just from non-Christians, but Christians within the missionary community in Japan. Not rebukes, but softer than that: "it's such a pity". They wonder why we're wasting our time and apparently our ministry by going on home assignment.

This is what David wrote this morning:
Facing a year of telling people about mission. Is what I do with my time worth it?Facing a year of putting down my current role for another one. Is it the best thing to do?"All for Jesus, I surrender" are the words I keep remembering. My year in Australia is what Jesus wants, I am convinced. So it will be worth it and and it is the best thing to do, because it is what he thinks that matters.


Sarah said...

Amen. I often tell myself, "Play to an audience of One." He is the one who matters.

Deb said...

Indeed. That's a really encouraging piece of writing from David. At the end of the day, the value that comes out of that time at home is God's responsibility not yours. He will make of that time what he wishes for his purposes and his glory. Whether or not that is evident to you or anybody else is not important. Obedience is always glorifying to God. And who knows who the Lord will influence in your time at home and what great things might eventually flow as a result. Or not. He may just want you home for this time. Either way, he is good. All the time. :)