11 February, 2011

Japan photo #14

I'm certain that someone out there can tell me what these plants/flowers are. They look a lot like coloured cauliflower, but lack the central "head". Quite pretty in their own unusual way.

This time of year these are the plants that are planted here in public flowerbeds. Down near the station in our suburb there are huge concrete planters full of these plants. This photo was taken on the weekend over the road from our house outside our boy's swimming school. 

What are they?


Deb L said...

I'm guessing cabbages? Are they edible?

Caroline said...

Hi Wendy,

I think they're either ornamental cabbages or kale (which is a member of the same family).

I've seen them for sale as flowers at a supermarket in Melbourne, but none so far this year, or I'd check the label to see what they were called. I suppose they're winter flowers/vegies.

Deb L said...

Hey, have I missed the answer to this one? I can't remember seeing anything that gave us the final verdict. Wouldn't like you to think my whole life is hanging on a thread waiting for the answer to the Japan photo quiz....but....you can't leave us hanging like that.

Wendy said...

Smiling Deb! The answer is above in the other comments. Ornamental cabbage or flowering kale. I didn't write a post about it, because so many people seemed to know the answer. Here is somewhere to look up: http://www.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en&q=ornamental+cabbage+and+kale&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=Q-tUTbPhOob6vwPC5sCeBQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=7&ved=0CEYQsAQwBg&biw=1084&bih=665