29 November, 2013

Japan Photo #44

Another question for those who haven't had the privilege of coming to Japan. I think this is pretty easy, but what do you reckon? 

What are these used for?


Deb said...

Okay, pizza is not so common in Japan, but I'm going to guess a custom-shaped lunch container for taking your left-over pizza to school. Or your giant guitar picks.

Dan Rudd said...

Deb, I like your comment. But the big guitar pick is called a bachi or plectrum and is used for a shamisen .

Dan Rudd said...

Here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamisen.

KarenKTeachCamb said...

I know sushi is a Japanese favourite, and I also know that the Koreans have a similar dish called Kimbap, which you can buy in the traditional roll shape or as triangles wrapped in seaweed. These would be the perfect containers for the triangle kimbap.

Deb said...

Hey, Dan, that's awesome! I didn't know anything about Japanese string instruments or that they used an especially large pick! Having just had my guitar restrung this week in Australia, and having bought two new picks, I was thinking when I saw the photo, "That could be a guitar-pick keeper" but they I realized from Wendy's hand that it would be far too large - hence my comment of "giant guitar picks". So it's just a funny coincidence that you would think I meant "bachi". But now I know! Thanks for the links. :)