Anyone know what a "jus" is? I've been reading my new slow cooker cookbook and it keeps coming up with the word "jus". It really annoys me when recipes use words that are not English. Unusual ingredients seems to be pretty trendy too. I usually avoid such recipes - by the time I've hunted down the rare ingredients, I've wasted half a day at the grocery store.
Actually the trend of using foreign or flashy sounding words even seems to have infiltrated the hairdressers - or maybe it is too long since I've been to an Australian hairdresser. There were signs up on the wall advertising various services they could provide, trouble was I could hardly understand them.
To my knowledge "jus" is the French word for "gravy". The word is used in Germany, too, sometimes, but I found it strange as well when I came across it at first. I think the word is mainly used in professional cooking.
Sorry no clue...must be a trendy, new Ausie word (he he).
Enjoy Christmas in the heat!
Your meetings sound fun. Good for you guys to help give a vision to others about Japan!!!
Yes, jus is the French word for juice - and in this context, it probably means gravy.
As Anika says it's the French word for juice and particularly relevant to slow cooking in that meat is cooked in it's own 'juice' rather than fried in oil for example. Seems to be used with reference to meat mostly.
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