A friend commented on
this post mentioning all the foreign words that Japanese absorb into their language. He was absolutely correct. Can you see the wonderful "English" in this photo?

Here are some others, see if you can guess their meanings (for fun, please hold back if you speak Japanese and let the non-Japanese speakers have a go):
(I've typed them as close as I can to how they sound in Japanese.)
- Manshon
- Sutaduresu taiya
- Sutovu
- Aian
- Pasocon
- Beeza
- Youkari
- Lordo (has two meanings)
- Sutsukesu
- Makudonarudo
OK Wendy, Here's my attempt at what I think they might be saying. I see some interesting ones here in Cambodia too!
Manshon = Mansion?
Sutaduresu taiya
Aian = Iron?
Beeza - Pizza?
Youkari - You carry (take away)?
Lordo (has two meanings)
OK! I give up on the rest.
Hi Wendy,
I was wondering if the last two were suitcase and McDonalds?
That's great work so far. I'll hold you in suspense a little while longer to let some others twist their brains.
Well done Karen and Caroline - you both got two correct!
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