16 October, 2014

Today's odd schedule

Today is a weird day. We drove north about half an hour and had morning tea with some OMF friends this morning. Then we had lunch at the beach (gorgeous beach, Western Australia has amazing sand).

After an hour or so of playing on the beach we dragged the boys and half a tonne of sand back to the car. I dropped all of them at the train station. They headed south. David stopped in Perth central to drop the boys with our host and continued south to meet up with someone who's driven him 150km inland to meet some folk in a church tonight.

I stayed in the north because I have a Japan prayer meeting here tonight. I had several hours to fill in between dropping the boys off and dinner with the hosts of the prayer meeting. I wandered around at a local shopping centre, had coffee, and did some writing. I'm going to a writer's conference next weekend, I need to get myself into a writing mood.

Then I moved to a local library, which stayed open a bit later than the shopping centre, and kept writing (bonus: free WiFi and a powerpoint to recharge my phone). That's where I'm writing now.

It feels strange to be out on my own in this unfamiliar city after hanging so tightly with the guys this last week. I particularly hope that I don't get lost as I drive back alone tonight.

We're so grateful that the boys are being taken care of, though. We were going to split them up between us, but that wouldn't have been fun for any of us!


-J said...

Wonderful to see how our Heavenly Father is arranging your time and needs on this trip!

Georgia said...

Sounds like a good day, Wendy. Food, beach, shopping, writing, solitude, and prayer. Blessings.