13 January, 2014

Funny English Hunt

On New Year's Day we tried to go to an All-You-Eat restaurant, but it wasn't open until 3pm, so we went to a local shopping centre and "hung out" until we could get into the restaurant. 

The shopping centre was a busy place. Like Boxing Day in Australia and Black Friday in the US, New Year's Day is a popular day for shopping. Shops sell "lucky bags". A bit like a lucky dip, except you just pick a bag and hope for the best. Apparently you can get some great bargains. The Lego shop had $200 worth of Lego on sale for $100, but of course you couldn't choose what was in the bag, so it is a gamble.

Anyway, our boys don't do well "hanging" in a shopping centre, especially on a busy day, so we were struggling to figure out two spend two hours there! 

I suggested we keep our eyes open for "strange/funny English". Here are some things we found:
Our 8 y.o. took this label literally and thought it odd till we explained that it is supposed to conjure up images of fondue for lips!
This isn't so much funny English as bad English: "3 pieces bowl and tray". Found in the Disney store!
A little hard to read, but the last instruction is to "Keep our reach of children."
These were just a strange product: Matchmaking cards.
The list reads as follows:
Who seems good cook
Who seems glamorous (fair enough so far)
Who seems wheedling person (there's a compliment for your girlfriend!)
Who seems coquetry person (this is a word?)
Who seems likeable as pet (wow?!?)
I like this one. Throwing cards arbitrarily is considered uncivil!
I saw this caution on several different products: "Child fewer than 4years old directly disable." Hmmmm!

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