29 August, 2013

Starting school again

School started again on Tuesday for us. It's been a long 11 weeks, though going away for a month really helped. It would have been easier if I'd been able to be 100% on holidays with the boys, but the last five weeks I've been trying to work part-time too. I feel, though, like I've been treading water. Now school's in again, I can take some bigger strokes and make better progress.
CAJ's field.

Starting school, however, has gone very smoothly. Probably due to the unprecedented occurrence of all three boys entering the same school for the fourth year running. None of them have ever done that before. Our eldest has moved up into the high school section of the school, but thus far that hasn't been too big a change. Compared to my change from  a 250 student private primary school to a 1000+ student state high school, it's barely a blip on the graph.

I'm enjoying the space; it gives me the energy to deal with them for the time that they are at home, but it also gives me room to pay attention to the non-parenting jobs I have. But we're all enjoying the return of schedule.

Starting school has brought with it the reminder that this time next year we won't be here. From June next year we're headed back to Australia for our regular 12-month Home Assignment. I can already tell that this year will be a year to focus on:
"Casting your cares on him" 
(paraphrase from Ps 55:22 and 1 Peter 5:7)
"Do not let your hearts be troubled" 
(from John 14:1 & 27)

Our high schooler is facing the challenge of thinking about what subjects to choose for the rest of his high school "diploma". This year wasn't too hard—there wasn't a lot of choice. But then he's changing schools and systems, landing in the middle of grade 10 in Australia, six months before the end of the two year Junior courses. Not the best, but difficult to avoid.

So this morning I sent off an enquiry to the school where they attended last time we were in Australia, informing them of our intention to return next June, but also asking for some guidance about joining the school half-way through grade 10. We await their answer.

That is just one detail in a myriad of details that we'll be working through in the coming 12 months. Is there any wonder that I need to keep my eyes focused back on those Biblical promises and commands?


Hippomanic Jen said...

Hey Wendy, I'm now working at a state school in Qld and Junior is not what it used to be when we were there.

The junior certificate no longer exists, for one: Most of the emphasis is on senior and getting sufficient 'points' to get a Queensland Certificate of Education. It would be more of a problem to arrive 6 months into year 12 (although there is magic that can be done to recognise studies from other places - I'm guessing that counts for overseas as well as interstate).

The one difficulty will be trying to understand the whole way senior now works, which is explained in Sem 2 of year 10, which won't actually be that helpful, given that you'll be leaving halfway through year 11.

Shirley Corder said...

Hi Wendy,

Hard to believe Calum is at high school already! Yes, the schooling is a difficult one for these kids. For this reason Debbie and Craig only took a year once. They used to take only 3 months every two years instead so the kids didn't have to change schools. Worked better for the kids but took its toll on Debbie and Craig. As you've probably read on Face Book, Llewellyn has now joined Sacha at her Idaho university, and Debbie and Craig are now in Benin, Northern Africa. How life changes!

Blessings on you all as you prepare for this huge blip on the horizon!

Wendy said...

Thanks Jen. That's encouraging. We'll see what we hear back from the school.

Shirl, that is one option we considered (and many people do it), but weighing everything up, we've decided not to run ourselves ragged like that.