04 January, 2011

Drinking upside-down

My sons are gradually discovering that one of the things Mum does on the computer is write a blog. They don't fully understand what it is, but the youngest one begged me to take this picture so I could post it.

Last week I shared with them my "cure" for hiccups: drinking upside down. They could hardly believe that their mum would do anything so cool! Or that she would allow them to do such an obviously "bad" thing.

I have to find some one of letting them see the fun loving side of me. Unfortunately whenever I stop being the "policewoman" things get out of control very quickly and it is hard to reign it all in again. 

I've just read a book that I want to tell you about soon: "How do you tuck in a superhero?" It's been coming into my conversation all the time, so it'll have to come into my blog soon. The author has five sons, so I found it very helpful as well as laugh-aloud amusing. Anyway, this woman makes me feel not so bad about being the one who has to be hauling in behaviour all the time!


Karen said...

Look forward to the book review. Like you, I also feel like I am playing bad cop (often to Daddy's good cop) here...
My kids enjoy looking at the pictures on my blog, especially of stuff like their birthday cakes, and I generally show them the Muppets videos, which they seem to find funny. I have told A it's like writing a diary...

Wendy said...

Actually, usually we are both 'bad cop'.

I played your recent Muppet video for the boys yesterday while we were cutting their hair - just thought you'd like to know.