09 August, 2010

A touch of homesickness.

Oh dear, a touch of home sickness this morning. As I sat down to write the evening meal menu for the week, I could only think of what I didn't have - and things I could easily have bought in an Australian grocery store. Made writing a menu difficult.

I've also found myself missing a few Australian TV shows (can you believe?!). Time for some re-orientation.

We're getting to the boring end of school holidays and it also hit me during the night that David returns to full-time at-school work next week. A week before the boys go back. Oh no, how am I going to cope?

Yep, having a pity party this morning. Quite uncalled for. Instead I should be counting my blessings, which are many.

Just to remind myself, here are some (in not particular order):
Our new car arrives today (not that we can drive it yet - still waiting on paper-work).
My husband is currently vaccuuming the fly screens.
I've had my husband around the house almost full-time for more than 12 months. He is a wonderful person to have around. Terribubbily helpful (you can tell we've been reading The Muddle-Headed Wombat stories).
Our boys are now helping around the house more too (another blog story in this one).
I am sitting in a house that is unpacked. A miracle in itself!
Today is cooler.
I have health (mostly) and lots of people who love me.
I have money to go and buy groceries and a fridge to put them in when I come back.
I don't have to take the boys shopping with me!!
I have heaven to look forward to.


Hippomanic Jen said...

It is okay to grieve stuff, you know. Even what might seem silly stuff. No, you don't want to wallow in it, but you are living a very different lifestyle that does entail some sacrifices.

Hippomanic Jen said...

I hope you're feeling balanced and positive soon.

KarenKTeachCamb said...

Know what you're saying Wendy. I'm missing a few wthings now myself! Great list of things to be thankful for though!