23 November, 2010

What do we use for devotions?

To follow up on the relatively negative post I wrote this morning. Here's a list of devotional resources (with links) that we have found useful for our boys' nightly devotion times:

The "One Year Devotions for Boys Books 1 & 2" produced by Tyndale.

"Gotta have God. Cool devotions for boys 6-9" by Diane Cory.

"The Wonder Devotional Book" by Cynthia Channell

We've used all the above happily for primary aged boys.

My 11 y.o. is currently using YPs. It is a dated three-monthly magazine that you subscribe to. Produced in the UK and has very cool art. Our 11 y.o. is not super excited about devotion time, but these are keeping his interest.

"Faith Factor" NT & OT by Jackie Perseghetti was fantastic. Takes the kids through the Bible from front to back, of course using selections, but gives a good overview. We're going to move onto this with our 8.y.o. after his current book runs out after Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy
Have been reading your newsletters for the last ten years and have now started reading and enjoying your blog. Sorry we missed you during your last stay here - Elaine

Wendy said...

Welcome, Elaine. I'm sorry we missed you too. It happened with a few people. It is amazing how short 12 months can turn out to be!