Today I found out that there are almost no hairdressers open on a Tuesday in Japan. No, I didn't tour around them all, but I had planned to get a haircut. A friend told me later that almost all the hairdressers are members of a union who decided that Tuesday would be their collective day-off. Then she asked me if Australian hairdressers do the same. Ah, no, not that I know of.
Not that I'm a hairdresser expert - I try to avoid them as best I can, especially here in Japan where they don't seem to know what to do with like mine that is fine and slightly wavy. The general response is to not only wash and cut it, but to blow-dry it to within an inch of its life so that I come out of the hairdresser with completely flat and straight hair. My boys have trouble recognising me straight after a Japanese haircut!
I usually have to work myself up to get a haircut, so it is a pity that I missed out today. Now I'll have to get all worked up again on another day - making sure it is not a Tuesday.
that's interesting; I knew that mine in Akitsu was closed on some Tuesadys, but it reminds me that in Germany because hairdressers worked specially hard on Saturdays when people got their hair done for Sundays and when others had their day off, it was understood,that hairdresser's day off besides Sunday was Monday and their shops were closed. I have the feeling that in villages and small towns this is still the case, not so sure about cities.
How interesting! When I was in Scotland, it took me a while to get used to the fact that many smaller stores in my town (in particular the Post Office!) were closed from 1-2pm. Very annoying if you forget and you're in a hurry!
I think that's hilarious, actually.
In China they are open all the time! We have seen people past 10:00 at night getting their hair done!
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