27 October, 2011

PromOTing Better Living

Today is World Occupational Therapy Day*.

Here is a link to a Google map showing the countries where Occupational Therapists work and how many of them are in each country. I was a tiny bit surprised to find there are 53,000 of them in Japan and 15,000 in Australia. I guess that reflects a difference in population size.  Sigh. I really wish I knew more about OTs in Japan.

To be honest I feel rather adrift from my first chosen profession. It is not just that I'm physically isolated in a country where I don't speak the language of my fellow professionals. It is more that I don't often get to use the skills and knowledge that I have as an OT. This isn't my main job. 

This was the handwriting of one child I've seen.
In the last year I've seen several children with varying difficulties including challenges with handwriting, developmental difficulties, and questions about visual processing. Which makes me a only a very part-time OT. I continue to be available as a resource to the local English-speaking community and, as time and opportunity permits, continue to network with other professionals, including Allied Health professionals and teachers. My profession has allowed me to come alongside and encourage other parents who struggle with children who require just a bit more of us than their peers. For this I am thankful. 

I don't know what the future holds, but perhaps God has put me here with the skills and training I have for such as time as he has yet to reveal?

* World OT Day was created by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). They are also the ones who supplied the very nice logo above.

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