08 February, 2018

Day three of settling our son into Brisbane

Another busy day today. We went out into the country west of Brisbane to access our storage container on a friend's relative's property. Found some useful stuff for our son, found some junk too! Amazing how hard it is for a 16 y.o. to assess what he'll want/need 2 ½ years later!

After that we had lunch with my parents and one of my sisters. They live west of Brisbane, so where we were was something close to half-way for meeting.

As beautiful as Brisbane it, it was gorgeous getting out of the city. I spent a lot of my young adulthood driving around south east Queensland in the area west and north-west of Brisbane. It's very nostalgic to be out there again. We had lunch at a restaurant in a park, and it was great therapy to gaze at the magnificent Australian gum trees.

On the way back into Brisbane we did some Op-shopping (shopping at "Op" shops, or secondhand shops). The goal was clothes, but I think we got an equal amount of books!

Then this evening we've had dinner with friends who have supported us in many ways since we first began this journey into mission. As former missionaries themselves (and the wife a former TCK herself), they have great insight and, as always, wonderful conversation.

But we're getting tired. Lots of information, lots of conversation, lots of busy-but-not-fun stuff. Transition is exhausting.

Tomorrow morning we're both taking an "at home" morning. Both of us have computer work to get done, but a slow start is sorely needed.

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