24 June, 2018

Finishing some biggies

Some things are finishing up, finally! Here are two:

My role with getting the Summer issue of Japan Harvest is pretty much finished. Yay! I shifted dates around with this goal in mind (so that I wasn't working on the magazine during our transition, this end of things is a internet-intensive affair and I couldn't see that working while we were in this period). So, it's very satisfying to actually achieve it.

Yesterday I finished our photo album for home assignment about our last three years living and serving in Japan. This is something I've enthusiastically done before each home assignment, but this time I struggled to get time and motivation. Finally, however, it's done. I think it looks okay, I hope the print copy looks just as good.

Today I ordered a copy. I would have done it yesterday, except that I know that the company I did it through has sales often, so I decided to wait a couple of days. Sure enough, a 40% sale code came through this morning!

And soon we might even hear that we've secured a house to rent for six months. 

Lots to praise God for, even as we say our goodbyes. This morning it was to our Japanese church. Not a big affair, as we're not staff at the church, but it was still good to mark the occasion.

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