01 September, 2011

Write Something

This time last year I was in Hong Kong, writing. I attended a week-long writing workshop run by our mission. As the boys have gradually returned to school and my free-to-use time has gradually returned to me, my thoughts have turned back to writing. Yes, I write every day for this blog. But my goal is to continue to do freelance writing for magazines. I want to continue to hone my skills. I believe God has given me this gift, so I need to continue to use it and encourage others with it, not let it rust. 

As I remember that week in Hong Kong, I loved it, in fact I got a huge kick out of it, so much so that I had trouble getting to sleep at nights. I don't think I've ever had so much time just devoted to writing. Very few writers in the world are full-time. Most have other things that take up their time. But somehow they must carve out time to write. 

It was something I was determined to do when I left the workshop. However for most of this year I've been lurching from one all consuming "situation" to another, so I haven't done a lot of writing apart from this blog. But things are settling and the time has come. Every morning this week I've forced myself to Write Something (aside from a blog post or email or prayer letter) for half an hour after the kids leave before I do anything else. It has been an interesting challenge. 

Today I finally got around to pulling out something I'm seriously looking to publish and working on it. It's been something that's been on the backburner since April! So, we'll see what comes of it.


Meredith said...

That's great Wendy. Good on you. It has been a pretty BIG six months in your neck of the woods for all sorts of reasons. Must be nice, besides the joy of the writing itself, to be in a quieter space all round. Enjoy your writing.

Betsy de Cruz said...

You are good inspiration for me, Wendy! My blog has been a writing hobby that keeps me writing (just one post weekly) and I've learned so much in just six months, but it is so hard to carve out time. I'm aware I'll need more discipline for articles, projects beyond my blog, or for expanding it.

Blessings on your writing endeavors.