11 October, 2010

My favourite chip flavour arrives

Now that is a thoroughly Australian title. The American translation: My favorite crisp flavor

There are some things about 'home' that you miss a little, some things you miss a lot. I'd basically resigned myself to not finding my favourite chip flavour here in Japan. But someone found it in a local store. Who knows how long it's been there...
Can you guess what the flavour is? Again, hold back if you can read Japanese.


Anonymous said...

sorry... clueless!

KarenKTeachCamb said...

Salt 'n' Vinegar?

taylorcrowson said...

Yay, I can read! and that's all I'll say... except in the US we also call them chips not crisps.

Wendy said...

Really - chips. Oh, it must be that the hot potato things we call chips you call fries? Who calls these crisps then?

Wendy said...

How did you guess Karen? Yes - salt and vinegar. Yay!!!

KarenKTeachCamb said...

Easy to guess because that's my favorite too! And they are not easy to get here either!

Footprints Australia said...

YAY I guessed salt and vinegar too! But I don't like them much, give me Big Red or BBQ any day!