02 October, 2014

This is why I write

I received the below in an email the other day in relation to an article I wrote about
missionaries and loneliness that was recently published.
I read your Sept 9 article Lonely? on Thrive's Connection website. It 
was so meaningful that I felt like a bit of a web-stalker as I then read 
through all your other Thrive articles and browsed through your blog 
also. Crying in the Snow is exactly where I'm at right now with my 
feelings on cross-cultural working, language learning, church 
involvement, and living with two kids under 2. 

So I first wanted to thank you for writing. As isolating and 
overwhelming as everything is right now, it's good to be reminded that 
other women have gone through (and survived!) this and it's especially 
good to be reminded of biblical truth. I've written out and posted Hab 
3:17-19 and I'm working on memorizing it. Anyway, thank you.
These two separate comments also appeared on the original comments on the post:
Thank you for putting into words what echoes in my heart. May we all draw nearer to Him, that one that sticks closer to us than a brother. - G
Much of this resonates with me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on loneliness!  - D

I hesitated to put them up on my blog because it feels like boasting, but I did want to show you some encouragement I've received. These comments will keep me fueled for weeks more writing!

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