08 November, 2018

Since getting back from Singapore on Friday...

A church we'd love to be a part of if
we actually lived in Perth. They've always
been so welcoming of us when we're over here.
On Friday morning, after a 15-hours of being "on deck" the day before, I got up early in Singapore and caught the hotel's complimentary free shuttle bus to the airport (6.30am). I was about to take off on the second leg of this 16-day marathon trip. I flew to Perth, a five-hour journey. 

David and our younger two boys had flown to Perth the night before and met me at the airport. It turned out to be a really good thing that they'd gotten themselves situated the day before (we're staying with a retired couple who we've known for over 13 years). The "boys" had a chance to find their way around a little, to get some needed props (that were too big for an aeroplane), and a bit of sleep under their belts. 

I, on the other hand, stood up to speak in front of people only three and a half hours after I'd arrived and felt like my tongue was disconnected from my brain. Thankfully David was able to carry the show.

The weekend was busy with speaking at various groups: dinner on Friday night; breakfast and dinner on Saturday; and church, lunch, and afternoon tea on Sunday. I took every opportunity I had to lie down in between all of that. And Monday too! It was never going to be an easy trip: we've only come over for ten days, basically two weekends and the week in between, and in that time are covering five churches and two missions groups. The shortness of this trip is primarily because of our boys' schooling. Next time we do this, we'll be without kids and we'll probably stay longer!

This is possibly a Xanthorrhoea preissii or balga
The weekdays since the weekend have been much less busy: with only two mid-week meetings yesterday and I only did one of them (the other involved a long drive into the countryside). Getting the boys focused on schooling has meant it hasn't all been leisure, but rather patient reminders. We've gotten out for walks most days, though, which has been nice. There are a couple of lovely parks nearby, and a library (where I'm currently working...or will be soon when I stop writing this blog post...though I probably should consider writing a blog post work also I guess!).

We've got another busy weekend coming up, with several meetings and then a flight back to Brisbane overnight on Sunday night. Monday will be a rest day, and possibly a portion of Tuesday too.

I love this part of Australia. Perth really is a beautiful city and I'd love to spend more time here, exploring beyond the city. Our first entry back into Australia after our first four years in Japan in 2004 was Perth. One of our supporting churches paid for us to have a holiday south of here on a farm. It was the best way to re-enter the country with two young boys!

Coming back each time on home assignment (aside from 2009 when David came on his own while I stayed home and cleaned up vomit...another story). It's encouraging to find that people remember us here too! Obviously coming back time and time again embeds us in people's memories, even if we can only be here once every four or five years.

But enough day-dreaming and reminiscing. I've got editing work to do. Thankfully a coffee van has set up outside the library (the library is in a park) and I've been able to re-caffeinate and am recharged for another bit of editing work before heading "home" with some lunch.

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