15 June, 2017

Share my world #3

Camping and photography combined last summer!
Taken at sunrise at Lake Biwa.
I slipped off the wagon with this one. It's been a month since I last responded to the prompt. Here are this week's questions and answers:

What do you do when you’re not working?
I could write an essay on this, but my simple answer is: Read, watch DVD episodes, play word or card or other simple games on my phone, crafting, coffee with friends, riding my bike, photography, camping.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
I don't play the lottery, but if someone gave me a significant amount of money above and beyond what we needed, I might buy my first house or apartment in Australia. I'd probably also use some to support other missionaries.
What makes you laugh the most?
Yikes, that's hard. Possibly irony?
What is your biggest pet peeve with modern technology?
That I don't understand it well enough to fearlessly fix it myself when things go wrong with something like email that I use on a daily basis for my work.
Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I'm grateful that the regular school year has finished for everyone now. 
I'm doing something unusual on Sunday, taking a couple of friends to visit a church plant run by OMF colleagues in Yokohama.

This prompt comes from Cee's Photography blog. 

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