01 May, 2016

Swap-over weather week?

I have been watching the weather in the three of places I've called home. Two in southern Queensland and one in Japan. Being in different hemispheres we're quite different in temperature most of the year, except at one time in April/May and Sept/Oct. 

Looks like we're about to switch over in the next couple of weeks. But even though we're still a little bit cooler here in Tokyo still, we're getting longer days than those in Queensland. 

Swapping hemispheres doesn't cause many issue, just a few interesting points:

  • Occasional seasonal confusion, where if pressed I can't tell you what month it is.
  • Jumping back and forth when the differences are at the greatest, during Japan's winter, is probably the hardest. One reason we've never been back to Australia for a short time over Christmas.
  • Initially it was odd to have Christmas in winter, but that wasn't too hard. After all it's what the "Christmas culture" has been telling us our whole lives despite living in a place where Christmas is almost always blisteringly hot.
  • Accordingly we developed "Japan" Christmas traditions, which are quite different to our Christmases in Australia. Some of that relates to the fact that we've never celebrated Christmas in our own home in Australia, we're always visiting family a long way from home.
  • We can't ask friends/relatives in Australia to buy us things for our current season: e.g.  a birthday in September where a boy needs some new winter PJs, you can't get them from Australia.
Our first three and a half years in Japan were in Sapporo, which is different again, with snow on the ground for about five months of the year. That first year there we had more "climate shock" than culture shock, especially as we arrived in December, had a tiny apartment, no car or TV, and a very active toddler!

Have you switched hemispheres? Or just made a big geographical move that has resulted in a drastically different climate to get used to? How was that for you?

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