08 February, 2016

Photos from the week

Yesterday was spent at church then the rest of the day recovering from the week. Today I've been going continuously since 6 and not had any decent length of time at the computer. Hence a photo blog.  Here are a few random photos from the last few days. 

This is one of the six trains I rode today. By far the least populated. Just to show you that by no means does every Tokyo train have passengers crammed onto it. This was at 9.30am heading away from the city. I crossed town to go to a mission prayer and fellowship day, it was crowded on the way in, like this on the way out. In fact this was the first time I sat after an hour travelling. 

Yesterday afternoon a couple of boys feeling bored. Both passionate about wrestling. The big one gave an impromptu wrestling clinic to his youngest brother, but it did deteriorate into a little, gentle rumble in the lounge. 

On the way home from the meet on Saturday we saw this interesting sign. With just a little thought it is understandable, but took our former-military driver aback for a moment. 

More about this photo tomorrow when I write about Saturday's tournament. This was the season finals. Our son waiting for his opponent in the gold/silver match. The lights were dimmed and it was quite the dramatic scene. 

Last Thursday I rode to the park again. Actually did a bit of a circuit and went 14.5km. I was rugged up because though the sun shone most of the time the temperature was closer to 5 than 10C! It was great to get out, though. 

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