28 September, 2015

Posthumous to-do list

I get to the end of the day and the to-do list next to my computer remains about the same. It's easy to feel as though I've achieved nothing of consequence. Perhaps if I'd had a better, more detailed list, I'd feel better, so instead I'm going to write "posthumous" list what I've done:
Grocery shopping at my favourite local

  1. Hung out clothes.
  2. Attended/lead two one-hour prayer meetings for classes two of my boys are in.
  3. Listened to a friend/colleague's story of how well her son is adjusting to a new school.
  4. Bought groceries for the next few days. Hauled them home on my bike.
  5. Had lunch (yes, this is worthy of a note: looking after myself!).
  6. Started setting up a project management system to help with running the magazine I manage. Sent an email to my team about this new strategy.
  7. Helped a team member with a frustrating Dropbox storage problem.
  8. Answered or forwarded a bunch of emails related to (18 in total): 
    1. a prayer calendar project I manage, 
    2. a short-term ministry enquiry, 
    3. a question from a colleague about excess icing sugar she's going to sell me, 
    4. make decisions about the next magazine issue
    5. things my husband deals with (sent them to his work address)
    6. sorted out some advertising issues with the magazine
    7. my husband's birthday
  9. Decorated my husband's birthday cake.
  10. Found a missing pair of training shorts for a boy who stopped home on his way to cross-country practice.
  11. Put dinner in the oven.
  12. Started answering questions on a lengthy questionnaire pertaining to my Two Year Review for work.
  13. Checked Facebook (yes I did...)
  14. Washed up dishes.
  15. Refereed computer use and food consumption.
  16. Heard post-school stories (not as many as some mums, but worth mentioning because it doesn't always happen without torture—just kidding about the torture).
  17. Wrote a blog post.
Yes, I knew I'd done quite a bit, it wasn't easy to pin it down until I wrote it all down. My "hats" have been well used today!

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