15 June, 2015

How's it going?

With less than two weeks left before we move back to Japan people are asking us how it's all going. Here's a summary:
This board is our transition board. 11 months
ago it had lists and timetables as we did the
work of setting into Australia and figuring out
new schedules. Now it has lists of stuff to be
done. The brilliance of the whiteboard is that
many things have been written here and removed
as they were done or resolved. Now it's getting
to the point where most of it is done. That's
great! Especially as David's students do their
final exams tomorrow and he'll be up to his
armpits in marking for a few days.

We're gradually packing our personal stuff up. On Saturday we took seven plastic boxes and two other boxes to friends who will store them. These boxes have more precious things like photos that we don't want to put into a storage container.

By next Sunday we want to be living out of suitcases, so this week will be one of gradually moving towards that goal, including trying to eat our pantry, fridge, and freezer bare.

Next week we'll be living with a family from church and finishing up at the house. Final packing for the things we're storing and cleaning too. A cleaning-packing party is starting to form for next Monday (anyone welcome to join in...).

We're continuing to say goodbyes. They're getting harder. I'm having coffee with a couple of good friends this week to say goodbye. There'll be tears. 

And then there's the "lasts". Our boys have had their last wrestling training. Friday is my last day at our church's ladies' Bible study, followed by a farewell lunch.

Yesterday we officially said thank you and goodbye to our church, even though we're still around next Sunday yesterday was our recommissioning service. It is hard to say goodbye to these people who've become precious to us, but I'd rather that than the opposite: indifference. They care that we're leaving and that is a special thing to take with us. We also know that we'll be welcomed back "home" when we return in a few years.

Saturday we're having an open day in the park where we've invited anyone who wants to come and see us one last time can meet us. We'll be there for four hours doing that.

It's assessment season as well as Athletics Carnival season at school. Our eldest finished his last assignment last night (with a lot of scaffolding) and heads into more exams over the next four days. Our middle son also has exams Tue-Fri. Athletics carnivals this week and next too, but I don't think we'll get to see much of them.

We're trying to keep things as stable as possible while they boys finish up these things. But it's hard and emotionally we're not as stable as we'd like at times.

Between Zone
But the Between Zone is in sight (see here) and I'm looking forward to it. Next Friday we'll be finished everything (hopefully). Even all the goodbyes. And we'll retreat to accommodation at the Gold Coast for a couple of nights before slipping quietly out of the country.

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