24 May, 2014

Finally packing has begun.

So finally, for all those who want to know: yes, we've started packing! 

Almost empty bookshelf in our bedroom.
Some things that are there now, are for
packing in our suitcases for Australia.
We needed somewhere to put them, so
emptying the bookcase has given us that
space. We do have a largish house
by Japanese standards, but we don't have
lots of spare space for stacking stuff.
Today we've also been cleaning. Some of the downstairs windows are done. Plus screens and other miscellaneous things like upper cupboards in kitchen, cover of the extractor fan (pretty disgusting), blades of ceiling fan, under the chest freezer, top of fridge. Just writing it out makes me feel I've accomplished something today! I continue to be very grateful that we are not moving out permanently. We're having a much easier time out of this the transition than if we were moving. 
But what's been more fun has been discussions around the table the last couple of days. Boys love to discuss food! We've been dreaming of what we'd like to plant in the veggie gardens at our house in Australia. Yes, it comes with empty garden beds! We're dreaming of homegrown corn, beans, sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries. Maybe more. Yum! If this takes off it could be a great family project.
The veggie gardens.

Having this advance notice of a house to move into, with photos and details is enjoyable, there's no doubt about that. 
Veggie gardens, just waiting for us.
We're still waiting on a van to borrow and some  furniture, electrical appliances, but it's been exciting to see our friends rallying around to help pull things together. We're looking forward to seeing God's provision, yet again!

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