16 February, 2013

Snack Management

For the cynics from last weekend. Here is how much slice we have left. Still a quarter remains after a week.

Full disclosure demands that I tell you my husband made a double batch of scones for afternoon tea on Sunday and we froze what we didn't eat. Those were used for one afternoon tea during the week. Also, two of my boys have been trawling through their Valentine's haul and used that for afternoon snacks the last two days.

I'd make some more biscuits for lunch boxes today, because this slice certainly won't last much longer (though we only have a three day week this week, Monday and Tuesday are "Winter Break").

However, my freezer is full of dozens of biscuits—the result of my middle schooler's science fair experiment with different types of flour. I'm going to insist that he removes them from the freezer on Monday when we go to Costco (I want the room for meat). The Science Fair/Expo is next Thursday and Friday. He's going to have samples on his "stand" for people to try out. I figure the rest is fair game for the family!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Wendy,

    I did think after I commented that actually I'd made a large cake last Saturday and frozen half of it for later in the week, and I was fairly sure that if I kept it in the freezer my boys would at least ask before they scoffed it. (I managed to use some for lunchboxes, and think the remainder was eaten on Wednesday.)

    Your slice does look pretty good - it's inspiring me to do more baking this afternoon, though it's warm (35 degrees) here in Melbourne, and my husband might not be very impressed if I light the oven - particularly since the oven door doesn't close as well as it should.
