12 January, 2013

Wrestling fun again

Today our eldest competed in his first wrestling meet of the season. I've looked forward to this for almost 12 months (see my reflections on his last wrestling meet here). It was worth waiting for. My son is bigger and stronger and more experienced. He wrestled well (and I understood more than I did at his first meet last year).

I'm still in awe of his hard work and perseverance. Of his strength and knowledge. So happy that he has something he's passionate about. Very proud that all his work paid off today in three victories!

But, by golly, it got my heart rate going. I was nervous and excited and emotional. Phew!

It was another pleasure hanging out with the mum of my son's good friend. We've encountered each other in various settings (and roles), but we've never had the time to just sit and chat. We got hours of that today. Fabulous time!

Great to see the relationship between him and his friend too. They are great mates, very different personalities, yet they complement each other. Great to see our son looking after his mate, for whom this was his first meet. I love seeing him grow and mature into someone I'll be proud to know.

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