24 September, 2012

Monday Muppets

A friend of mine used to do the occasional Monday Muppets post. Seeing as I'm exhausted (read the Rolf Harris book for too long last night), and I also told the Grade Twos today that I write on my blog daily, I'm going to take the easy route and post a Muppet video, the Muppets and Victor Borge.

I really enjoy Victor Borge, I think I discovered him about the same time as I discovered Mr Bean and in the same place: during my uni years when I used to have lunch at my minister's house after church. For me, though, he shares a similar feature with Mr Bean, I tire of him fairly quickly. However in small doses they are both very entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Two of my favourite things - the Muppets and Victor Borge. This is a great little clip but there are so many great Victor Borge clips. I just had a trip down memory lane watching a few of the other ones.
