27 September, 2012

A week of 24 trains, if I'm lucky

Today begins a week of not being home much and a lot (for me) of train travel. If things go well I should take 24 trains from today till next Wednesday.
You often don't get a seat in Tokyo trains, even in the
middle of the day.

Today I went across the city to lead an OMF prayer meeting. Seven trains.

Tomorrow I head off to an overnight OMF women's regional retreat. Five trains.

I return on Saturday. Another five trains (if I don't get lost).

On Monday I go back to OMF Japan's headquarters (where I was today) for a three day coaching workshop. Four trains.
Two friends who I enjoyed being with at last year's
missionary women prayer day/mini retreat. Do you
like the venue?

I return home on Wednesday. Three or four trains.

Thursday I attend a missionary women's all day prayer meeting/mini retreat back out in the same town where the OMF retreat is. No trains, this time I'm driving or being driven.

I enjoy going away, but find it hard to actually break away and go. I also feel a little like I'm abandoning my husband and try to do my best to soften my absence by preparing meals before hand (usually by cooking lots so there's plenty of leftovers) and making sure the fridge and cupboards are well stocked.

The venue of the OMF women's retreat. We sheltered
there during the typhoon that came through while we
were camping in June.
Add to it all the fact that it is my husband's birthday in the midst of it all and I won't actually be around for most of it. Therefore I'm baking a cake, at least I can leave him with a cake! Do you think I've learned the lesson that the way to a man's heart is via his stomach (that works for boys too, by the way)?

This all has the effect of making me feel quite stressed. So it's no wonder that I have a headache today, which means that I'm more disorganised than usual. I hope that it is all worth it. If the retreats are refreshing, I should come back feeling more up to the task!

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