29 April, 2024

Day 42: Cockle Creek to Snug

After several busy days, we decided to head to a place we could stop for a whole day. David chose "Snug" because it had a cool name (and a caravan park)!

We started the day, however, by walking a bit further along the road we'd been parked on to the true "end of the road", read some more information about some of the amazing pioneers who'd lived down here, including a family whose women ran their forestry business after all their menfolk and male workforce went off to war. We read about the French who came for scientific investigation, named a few things, made friends with the local original inhabitants, but also unwittingly, by their mere presence, killed off the whole tribe by introducing new diseases. We read about the huge whaling industry that also operated from this southern point, but died out pretty quickly, along with the whales.

More clear (cold) water: Cockle Creek

End of the road sign.

It's blurry because the road was bumpy: that's my story!

Then we headed north again. There's only one way out! We drove up to Huonville where we stopped for lunch and a short walk along the river, then drove through the famous Huon Valley to the town of Snug, on the NorthWest Bay (or is it the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, the boundary isn't clear).
Autumnal colour at Huonville
Smoky sunset at Snug

Sunset at Snug

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