06 April, 2024

Day 15: Tomakin

This was a quiet day “at the beach”. We were staying in a caravan park that has reinvented itself as a holiday park, meaning most of the residents are either long term or sites rented long term as holiday “cottages”. 

We met one of them. A lady in her 50s who had lost her husband to motor neuron disease. They’d loved caravanning before he became ill and now he’s gone she’s not confident to travel about towing one on her own, but has instead bought one that’s situated onsite long term. And she loves coming there for a break.

We were there a few days before the Easter holidays so it was quiet, but they were expecting a full house over the weekend. Easter is a four-day long weekend in Australia and is known as very popular camping weekend. In early February David was working on booking places for us to stay and found it hard, even six weeks early. 

Tomakin is a small village that’s pretty seasonal. Many of the houses look like they’re holiday rental or owned as family holiday homes. 

We had a quiet day, doing laundry, tiny bit of grocery shopping, reading, and games. And in the late afternoon went for a walk down to the beach and into the mouth of the river. It was a lovely day and the walk included wonderful views, though I was finding pain increasingly playing a part of my day (and night) and this came to a head the next day, but you'll have to wait for that installation!

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