07 June, 2014

Encouraging writing news

Lots of news on the writing front for me in the last week.

  1. I found out that a story of mine about our early days in Tokyo in the midst of a typhoon will be included in a compilation book about God's faithfulness being published by our mission next year to celebrate our 150th anniversary. This will be the first book I've ever been published in! Yay.
  2. They also asked me for another story. Bad timing, but I'm seeing what I can do.
  3. Another article of mine is being published by OMF Australia in a training manual for home side support teams. You might have seen an earlier version of it here on my blog, it is about missionaries and loneliness.
  4. Another publication (Thrive) is also interested in publishing a version of that article about loneliness. I'm waiting to hear back from them.
  5. I've received a "we're considering publishing your meditation" email from The Upper Room (this is a paying market that is published in 100 countries in 35 languages). That's definitely hopeful!
  6. I've also signed up to go to a Christian Writer's Conference in Australia in October. My first ever face-to-face Writer's Conference. 
So while I haven't been doing much writing of my own recently, it seems as though some things I've written a while ago are still moving forward towards publication. Wonderful!

Plus we're moving closer to getting the 31 Days of Prayer for Japan publication out. A few more details to sort, but it should be out in August. Keep an eye here and I'll tell you how you can get a copy.

Exciting! To have all this information come to my attention within a few days is just plain encouraging. God knows!

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