06 September, 2011

Recovering from friendly-fire

I found this blog post on the weekend. It is a great piece about dealing with the wounds that come from "friendly-fire". 

I'm still struggle with the friendly-fire wounds I received back in January-March, but asking God to do some surgery to heal my heart. Particularly with helping me to love the people who shot the bullets. On the surface our relationship doesn't look too bad, but now I know some of the thoughts that they've had about me over the years I'm struggling to trust anything they say, and that is so unlike me. It feels like I'm wearing a ill fitted jacket when I relate to them. I second guess their words and think twice or three times about my own. I simply don't know how to relate naturally to them any more.

Have you encountered similar situations? How'd you manage to recover?

1 comment:

  1. It is a constant battle, constantly bringing the need for me to forgive them to the Lord. I'll write more in an email when I have the energy..make that if.
