05 March, 2010

Second success in the pursuit of Heart Health

I baked these Oat Cake biscuits from here the other day. I've had varying reactions (children who like them one day but not the next and visa versa), but generally positive. They are tasty enough for me to put them in my picky recipe selection.

I also baked some meatballs in the slow cooker last Friday and they tasted great - practically no fat!

Someone told me about this website, which I'm just starting to explore and I also got a couple of recipe books out of the library. I'm trying to be as low key as possible, though, I don't want my family to think I'm too crazy or to start rejecting food because it is too healthy!

1 comment:

  1. I like the taste website too - it's got a good search function (need a recipe for a bible study that caters to the allergy range of those present?) and eliminates the need to buy food magazines.

    You could also try this website http://ginews.blogspot.com/ - though it is geared more for those who want low GI (diabetic and those wanting to lose weight), and the recipes each month often use grains that you can't get at the supermarket.
